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MHA celebrates another successful framework award

MHA Architects are celebrating their success after being awarded a place on the £50m London & Quadrant Architects (Counties) Framework.  London and Quadrant Housing Trust and its subsidiary Quadrant Construction Services are one of the largest providers of high quality affordable housing in the UK, housing over 250,000 people in more than 95,000 homes, primarily across London and the South East of England.  L&Q have identified development outside of the M25 as a major growth area for their business, with proposed output to reach 7,000 homes per annum within the next decade.

MHA Director, Jimmy Lennon said, “We are delighted to have been appointed to the framework. This recognises MHA’s reputation for strong performance in delivering excellent affordable housing for our clients. We are looking forward to working with L&Q.  Their investment over the long-term to unlock land for development across a wide range of tenures is a good basis for this framework and represents a significant step toward delivery of much-needed new homes.”

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